Trouble in Tucson Two
Anthology Guidelines
Tucson Sisters in Crime will be taking submissions from members of Tucson Sisters in Crime, Sisters in Crime Grand Canyon Writers, and Desert Sleuths starting May 12, 2025 through August 12, 2025. You must be a member of one of the Arizona local chapters and the National Sisters in Crime to submit and be accepted.
The submission period will be closed August 12th at midnight MST. This is firm.
We are looking for stories with a theme of “Trouble in Tucson.” Tucson, Arizona, or the surrounding metro communities must be included in the story along with some type of mischief. Stories can be historic, alternative history, present day, or future. Non-fiction stories are welcome, but you must include all cites and sources. Poetry will be accepted. This anthology will be released before the 2026 Tucson Festival of Books.
- We will accept prose up to 5,000 words per story per submission. Poems of no more than 32 lines or 500 words each. Each poem must be on a separate document, but you can submit three documents of poetry per submission.
- All submissions must be original works and cannot be previously published.
- All manuscripts must be submitted in standard manuscript format. See here if you need to know what standard manuscript format looks like: or There are many other websites that can help with formatting if you have questions. Submit manuscripts using Word’s .doc or .docx format, 12 pt. font and either double spaced for fiction and non-fiction or single-spaced for poetry. No PDFs or other word-processing formats accepted. Manuscripts not following the guidelines will not be read and returned.
- No simultaneous submissions. We don’t want to do all the work of reading and choosing your story to find out after acceptance that the story has already been accepted or published elsewhere.
- Judging is “blind” to ensure new writers as well as established authors will be regarded equally in the selection process. Do not put your name anywhere on the manuscript. In the upper-right hand corner of the heading, type the name of the story and page number. When we receive your manuscript as an attachment to the emailed submission form, we will assign your story/poems a number.
- We are looking for stories that can play up our “trouble” theme in most genres. Stories with humor, romance, suspense and thrillers, science fiction, fantasy elements, (and the list can go on) will be considered. Tucson is a diverse community with many ethnicities, nationalities, and cultures. We like seeing our unique, mosaic lives in our stories. A little bit about Tucson from our website:
See here for questions regarding diversity and inclusion:
You may submit more than one time, but only one submission per email. This is firm.
Please send your submissions to:
Subject line: Submission LCC Tucson
(copy and paste the following information into the body of your email.)
I (type your full name) certify that the above-named works are my original, unpublished works. I have also read and understand the submission guidelines.
If you need more information about content warnings, please see here:
Accepted stories will require the authors to sign a contract giving Tucson Sisters in Crime the rights to publish the story or poem. Rights will be returned after one year from publication.
Accepted authors will be given two contributor copies upon publication.
All proceeds go to the Tucson Sisters in Crime chapter.